St. John’s Church

St. John’s Church

Coordinates: 22.5306° N, 88.3651° E
Address: 2/2, Council House Street, Lal Dighi, BBD Bagh, Kolkata - 700 019, West Bengal, India
Architectural Style: Neoclassical
Height of the Spire: 54.254 Metre (174 feet)
Architect: James Agg

Maharaja Nabo Kishen Bahadur of Shovabazar Raj Family donated the land for this church. Also known as Pathur Girja or Stone Church which was built using the stones from the ruins of Gaur, houses the memorials of James Achilles Kirkpatrick and James Pallet.
The church compound has Job Charnock's Mausoleum, Black Hole of Calcutta Monument, Second Rohilla War Memorial, Charlotte Canning and Countess Canning Memorial and Frances Johnson's grave.
This structure is an achievement of British imperialism in the land of their conquest and their determination to protect their identity.
At the Gate

View from the Gate

Memorial of Lady Canning

Front View of the Spire (Right Side)

Another View from Front Side

Rohilla War Memorial

Tomb of Job Charnock and Memorial Plaques

Tomb of Vice Admiral Charles Watson

Grave of Frances Johnson

Black Hole Memorial

Tomb of Lord Brauborne

View from Charnock's Tomb

Photographs by the Author
