Sri Aurobindo Bhavan

Sri Aurobindo Bhavan

Coordinates: 22.5454549°N, 88.35009°E 
Address: 8, Shakepere Sarani, Elgin, Kolkata - 700 071, West Bengal, India

Aurobindo Bhavan, Kolkata is a memorial which evokes eclectic feelings. Aurobindo Ghosh is one of India’s leading thinker, administrator, ideator and revolutionary. What attracted me to Shri Aurobindo, is his philosophy that the evolution of humans is still not completed and humans are still evolving and they can achieve further perfection.
Shri Aurobindo was born in this place and his relics have been enshrined here since February 16, 1973, during his birth centenary was on 1972. The building housed the main office of the first Government of Bangladesh. “On April 17, 1971 the Government took the oath of office there. After this, a few Ministries were set up in the place. Three of the Ministries were at Aurobindo Bhavan, while seven were at 9 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Sarani [formerly Shakespeare Sarani] where we are housed now”, according a Bangladesh diplomat.
This building houses a Shrine of Rishi Aurobindo’s relics, an exhibition on Aurobindo and The Mother, Shop selling books and other handmade products, General Library & Reading Room and Children’s Library.
Entrance to Sri Aurobindo Bhavan

Marble Plaque at the Gate

Main Building 

Entrance to the Main Building

Rear of the Main Building

Pathway to Shrine

Lilly Pond at the Backyard

Shri Aurobindo's Shrine

Shrine - Another View

Courtyard Adjacent to Main Building

A View of the Main Building from the Bookshop

Memorial Statue of Shri Aurobindo

Shops Selling Books and Handmade Articles

Photographs by the Author
