St. James’ Church

St. James’ Church

Coordinates: 22.555477° N, 88.364812° E
Address: 65A, Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Rd, Maula Ali, Taltala, Kolkata - 700014, West Bengal, India
Architectural Style: English Gothic
Height of the Spires: 39.014 Metre (each 128 feet)
Height of the Edifice: 19.812 Metre (65 feet)
Architect: Walter B Granville

Popularly known as Jora Girja or Church with twin spires, St. James’ Church was built in 1862 with the backing of Archdeacon Pratt, an educationist. The ground plan of the Church in the shape of a cross and has two double tiered spires. The Church was consecrated by Bishop Cotton on St. James Day on July, 25, 1864.
This elegant piece of worship has awe inspiring two centred pointed arches creating a magically spiritual experience. The elaborate wood work for the roof of the structure is reinforced with appropriate joints and has no nails.

At the Gate

A View from the Gate

Another View from the Gate

Aisles, Nave and Altar of the Church

View Towards Narthex and Facade Towers

Epistle Side of the Church

A Memorial Plaque and Clock

Plaque Installed on 150th Year Celebrations

Photographs by the Author
